Tereza & Milan Bendovi

fashion influencers

"Empathy for us means expressing a positive attitude towards the other person, no matter what problem they are facing."

1) What appealed to you about the FUCK CANCER project and why are you putting your energy into it?

Milan: The FUCK CANCER project appealed to me because I was affected by cancer. Not directly, but very close to me. And I think it's a topic that should resonate much more in society.Tereza: Projekt mne oslovil proto, že mi Milan vyprávěl jeho příběh a díky tomu jsem si uvědomila, že bych i já sama měla šířit tuto message.

2) What does the term FUCK CANCER mean or express to you?

Milan: It's a kind of attitude about how to approach cancer...

Tereza: …a nedat ani malou šanci tomu, aby nás to nějakým způsobem pohltilo.

3) Can you imagine who you are fighting for here as a "SOLDIER"?

Milan: As a Soldier, I fight for all those affected, but quite possibly no one knows if they themselves will be affected. I hope not.

Theresa: We're fighting for everyone here. Not only for the elderly, but also for the young, because we never know who will be affected by this disease.

4) What would you say to someone who says they find the phrase "FUCK CANCER" vulgar?

MIlan: If someone tells me that the phrase FUCK CANCER is vulgar, I'll tell them that cancer is vulgar.

Tereza: If someone said that to me, I would definitely disagree because I think it's so aggressive that it deserves that label and that we should fight it and fight it as aggressively as the connection is.

Soldiers & Heroes