Lukáš Veitl


"Empathy for me means a kind of belonging. Thus, helping loved ones or others who are suffering from a disease, in this case cancer."

1) What appealed to you about the FUCK CANCER project and why are you putting your energy into it?

I got involved in this project because it's something that's an undiscussed topic among people. And all the things that are not discussed among people are either things that are too serious or affect a large variety of people in some way. In my opinion, this is a thing that should be talked about.

2) What does the term FUCK CANCER mean or express to you?

The term FUCK CANCER means fight to me. A struggle with something that is difficult and serious for someone and I think everyone should know about it.

3) Can you imagine who you are fighting for here as a "SOLDIER"?

As a Soldier, I'm fighting mostly for people who are afraid to talk about it. It's a disease that people are more ashamed to talk about than to talk openly about. In my opinion, this is a thing that people should mention, share and the audience that cares about it should be huge as these people need huge support and not just from me, not just from you, but from everyone.

4) What would you say to someone who says they find the phrase "FUCK CANCER" vulgar?

I would simply think ,,why vulgar? We have no idea what it is like to fight something like cancer. So the expression "Fuck," - the fight, everyone should know, everyone should share it among their friends. Everybody should feel it, because we as healthy people cannot imagine this in any way, so we should share this fight with them and support them.

Soldiers & Heroes